Local Law 84
Overview of Local Law 84
In 2009, the City of New York signed into effect a law that requires any building over 50,000 square feet to annually gather, analyze and report energy & water consumption data for the most recent past year. Beginning in 2011, every year by May 1st, property owners in NYC will need to submit benchmarking reports detailing the energy and water usage in their buildings to the Department of Finance. The energy data is reported using an особняк Кельха экскурсии online reporting tool called Portfolio Manager. Energy benchmarking under Local Law 84 is also mandatory for two or more buildings that together exceed 100,000 square feet on the same lot or under the same condo board. The first set of benchmarking reports was due by May 1st, 2011.
What Is Required for LL84
- Data on energy and water consumption for the previous calendar year (January 1st through Dec 31st)
- EPA’s online benchmarking tool – ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager
Our Process
Energy benchmarking is the starting point for getting a clear understanding of energy usage and making smarter energy choices for your buildings. It allows you to rank energy performance, compare energy usage across the buildings portfolio, justify planned improvements, and provide accurate reports on operational efficiency to management. At Associated Renewable, we utilize the expertize of our technical teams to help building owners cut energy costs, achieve valuable ratings & improve efficiency through energy benchmarking. Contact our Energy Solutions team at (212) 658-0052 for free energy benchmarking for all of your properties and begin your compliance with Local Law 84 immediately.